Map Rendering Engine
Convert Dynamic Mapping Services and vector tiles to raster endpoints:
Map Tiles:
OGC API Tiles /XYZ with tile.json & TAK tile.xml
OSGEO TMS with tileset.xml
OGC WMTS with getcapabilities.xml
Web Mapping Service OGC WMS with getmap request and getcapabilities.xml
Supported Source Data:

ESRI FeatureServer

Dynamic /Cached Vector Tiles
You can pair this solution with Geo Data Server to connect
PostGIS Tables, GPKG Vector Features, GeoJSON, KML/KMZ, GPX, CSV/TSV and render this as Raster Endpoints
Our Features
Perfect solution to pair with Cesium Game Engine
Using Cesium Game Engines (NVIDIA Omniverse, Unity, Unreal Engine) or ESRI rArcGIS for Game Engines use this to deliver mapping data in what’s supported. Cesium requires Raster Tiles as TMS with tileset.xml
MapBox GL JS and Native SDK
Easily support Mapping URL’s/Data that Mapbox does not natively support
Google Earth
Image Overlay (WMS) for Google Earth enables you to add Vector Tiles and ESRI FeatureServer and WFS URL’s to Google Earth.
Legacy Mapping Apps
Do you use ESRI ArcMap (ArcGIS Desktop ) or Konsberg Mapping Engine and don’t support vector tiles or limited support (no GL JSON Stylesheet)
The Application is available in two modalities
Virtual Machine Format for hosting on-prem or on the cloud or API Access
Tech Maven Geospatial Hosted Solution API Access
Edge Conversion/Serving
- 25000 visits per month
- 50GB Storage